The OpenSource Metaverse Project provides an open source metaverse engine along the lines of the commercial metaverse engines Second Life, There and Active Worlds.
The OpenSource Metaverse Project was created because a strong demand exists, and large developer following, for virtual worlds that allow customization by the player and creation of one's own worlds. Closed source virtual worlds exist already - Second Life, There and Active Worlds - but we needed a metaverse engine that is flexible, scalable and that we can customize to an extent not possible within individual proprietary worlds.
The key deliverables of the OpenSource Metaverse Project are a server engine and a client component.
The server engine can be installed, configured and administered by anyone to create their own metaverse, somewhat analogous to an Apache web server for web content. Instead of web pages, a metaverse server will serve up the data and contents of a 3-D virtual world that can be customized by the administrator.
The client component interfaces with any compatible metaverse server engine in order to render the metaverse as seen by that player's avatar, and to communicate the player's desires - movement, in-game chat and so on.
The OpenSource Metaverse Project is analogous to the web. You can create hyperlinks to any other metaworld running on any metaverse server worldwide. Your avatar uses hyperlinks to move to other worlds, submitting to the Game Control Logic in force in the new world.
The OpenSource Metaverse Project is open source, modular, flexible and extensible.
Download the client and source package to get started.